Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Up until 2020, the only recordings (for the most part) of my sermons were just in audio. Since then, our church has also had a YouTube channel with video recordings of my sermons available. Choose from audio or video sermons below. Additional audio sermons not included in these playlists can be found on our church website.

Sermons on video

Audio only sermons


Sermon videos recorded since 2020

To scroll through all sermons in the playlist, just click the "sandwich icon"
in the top right corner of the video window below.

About my preaching and teaching

In all of my preaching and teaching, it's my heart's desire to serve Jesus, my Lord. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and as such, has no errors at all in whatever it teaches. Because "God is true," (John 3:33), and in Him there is no lie.

That conviction shapes how I preach and teach the Bible. It directly affects how I teach the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and everything in between. I aim to teach what the Bible says, not to tamper with the Bible to make it easier to swallow. I am convinced that not only is this a matter of life and death, but, more importantly, to do otherwise would be to dishonour God.

I understand my call to preach the Bible to be like that of a herald charged with accurately and faithfully relaying the messages entrusted to him by his king. But I don't for a minute think of this calling as a dreary duty. I have found the Bible to be the very "words of eternal life" (John 6:68). Through the Scriptures, God revealed Himself to me and opened my eyes to believe that Jesus is His Son, who died to save me from my sins and rose from death to give me everlasting life in Him. In my journey to know Jesus better, I have benefited very much from these ministries listed below. I include them here hoping that they might benefit you as well.

Desiring God
The Gospel Coalition
Creation Ministries International
Ligonier Ministries
The Master's Seminary - This one is for you pastors: I want to recommend to you the Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching at TMS.

Our church in Victoria, BC, Canada.